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Forrest and Dunes Paintings

Many of the forest and dune views on this page were painted by Pieter Ringoot during holidays in De Panne and Oostduinkerke on the Belgian coast.

Pieter usually made a lot of sketches and preliminary studies with pencil, charcoal or watercolor on the spot. The subject and the incidence of light were studied extensively. Later, the paintings were worked out with oil paint in the studio in Lebbeke.

Pieter Ringoot’s oeuvre includes several of these types of works.

Bos- en duinzichten door Pieter Ringoot.

One of these works on your wall
Several of the above works are available in print. Take a look at the Art Shop of this site and be surprised by the various possibilities. Do you have personal wishes? That is also possible. Get in touch via the contact page

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